Today at 12:40 the New Jersey State Board of Education rejected the Murphy Administration's Department of Education’s recommendation that students…
Tara Murphy is a SPAN Resource Parent, a Volunteer Advocacy Ambassador for Autism Speaks, member of the Council of Parent Attorneys and…
Yesterday the Star-Ledger published a long interview with Patricia Morgan, executive director of the education policy watchdog group JerseyCAN and…
There’s an emerging trend among New Jersey high schools: administrators are either canceling midterm exams or diluting their consequences in…
We’ve been marginalized. We don’t matter. We are the leftovers. That’s Maria Lorenz, mother of Juan and Pablo (not their…
Update: Score one up for Politico, one down for North Jersey Media. Today Carly Sitrin reports that Murphy will renominate…
There's plenty to complain about New Jersey's "media desert," sandwiched as we are between those two behemoths New York City…
“I am heartbroken, disappointed and outraged,” State Senator Teresa Ruiz, the outgoing chair of the Senate Education Committee who will…
When we started collating our top pieces of 2021, one tiny but important school district jumped out: Asbury Park. As…
The whole goal here is to prepare kids to be able to be college and workforce ready. A lot of…