RTTT Theater at 10

Here’s a shocker: the new Rasmussen poll shows that “eighty percent (80%) of New Jersey voters have been following news of the education grant loss

Quote of the Day

Memo to Acting Commissioner Rochelle Hendricks from Assistant Commissioner Willa Spicer (see”AHSA Result for State Board Final”) regarding the results of the Alternative High School

Giving it Up for Trenton

At what point does a state government concede defeat regarding a school district’s accountability? Seems like that might be right now in the Trenton Public

Education Reform and Civil Rights

Here’s Sandra Alberti, Director of Math and Science Education at the NJ DOE. in NJ Spotlight: We have this thing called Algebra I that exists

Parsing the AHSA Results

The Star-Ledger reports that 2,900 NJ high school seniors failed the Alternative High School Assessment, the replacement for the long-discredited Special Review Assessment, which almost

Andy Smarick’s New Gig Starts on Aug. 2nd

We reported a month ago on Fordham’s Andy Smarick’s pending appointment as Bret Schundler’s Deputy Commissioner, but NJ Spotlight is the first of the mainstream

NJEA and Schundler Embrace Ed Reform?

Word’s out: Ed. Comm. Schundler and NJEA’s Barbara Keshishian and Vince Giordano made a deal, and local bargaining units will sign off on NJ’s Race

RTTT Update

The Record reports that as of yesterday 292 districts out of our 658 districts and charters had sent back their Memoranda of Understanding, signifying that

NJ’s RTTT Prospects

This afternoon the State Senate has 31 bills on its docket: one that upgrades penalties for drag racing, one that designates September 26th of each