Charter School Fever

There’s been a fair amount of buzz regarding David Brooks’ column in the New York Times this past Friday. Brooks highlights The Promise Academy, a

Abbott Myopia

This morning the State Supreme Court hears arguments from the D.O.E. and the Education Law Center on whether Corzine’s new School Funding Reform Act is

Special Review Assessment Denial

Reverend Reginald T. Jackson, Executive Director of The Black Ministers’ Council of New Jersey, testified before the State Board of Education last week and expressed

D.O.E. Bait and Switch

The Education Law Center has been busy. After apparently going AWOL after the Judge Peter Doyne ruled last month that the new State Funding Reform

Quote of the Day

This just confirms … the ineptitude of the state Department of Education to give more attention to the cycle 1 scores (first released scores) than

Does Montague Need a Geography Lesson?

The New Jersey Herald is reporting on a bizarre situation in the Sussex County school district of Montague where parents are complaining that the district

N.Y. and New Jersey’s School Reform

Diane Ravitch’s op-ed in the New York Times online pharmacy no prescription today accuses New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Schools Chancellor Joel

New Jersey’s Math War

Here’s a piece from the Star-Ledger on New Jersey’s “math wars,” the pedagogical conflict between those who advocate reform math and those who promote traditional