Home Depot Time

With a toss of a wrench into New Jersey’s school district budgets, Commissioner Lucille Davy sent a letter to all superintendents on Friday recommending that

Princeton v. State Smack-Down

We don’t want Princeton to be just adequate — we don’t want to revert to a mean that incorporates everyone in the state. We want

New AYP Numbers Out

The DOE has just issued this press release trumpeting an increase in the number of schools that made Adequate Yearly Progress based on last spring’s

Special Education v. DOE

ASAH, the organization that serves private special education schools and agencies in New Jersey, is gearing up for a battle with the DOE over the

Educational Lemons

It’s a bad press day for our beleaguered Abbott districts. In Camden, an elementary school principal pleaded guilty yesterday to billing the district for more

NJASA Goes to State Court over DOE Regs

The Star-Ledger reports today that the U.S. District Court dismissed a lawsuit filed by NJASA, the union that represents New Jersey’s school administrators. The suit