achievement gap

EXPLAINER: What Are Standardized Tests and Why Do We Need Them?

Few education topics get parents, teachers, and school leaders more riled up than discussions about using results from student tests…

3 years ago

COMMENTARY: Someone Needs to Tell This NJ Superintendent That Schools Are Accountable to Families, Not the Other Way Around

You probably didn’t read Sunday's Star-Ledger op-ed by John Kellmayer called “‘Harrison Bergeron’ and How to Close the Achievement Gap.” …

3 years ago

Murphy Goes to Court to Fight a School Desegregation Lawsuit. What Gives?

The Star-Ledger has a series called “Friendly Fire” where two consultants, Democrat Julie Roginsky and Republican Mike Duhaime, discuss policitically…

3 years ago

COMMENTARY: Will Biden’s Pick for Education Secretary Work for All Kids?

We want to support you so that you can get to the great work of helping kids. You have to…

4 years ago

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Knew that Reading Makes Dreams Come True

While heartfelt tributes and political panic saturate America’s media platforms in the wake of RBG’s passing, her comments about the importance of…

4 years ago

NJ Charter School Staff Call Out DNC For “Egregious” Attacks on Schools Favored By Black and Latino Families

Ten days ago the New Jersey Public Charter Schools Association, on behalf of 65 signatories, sent a letter to the…

4 years ago

Marigna: Braven’s Career Booster Boot Camp Is Teaching College Grads How To Land Strong Jobs

Vincent Marigna is Executive Director of Braven, a career and leadership development accelerator focused on supporting first-generation, low-income college students…

4 years ago

As September Approaches, “Do We Have Any Business Returning Anyone To School?”

NJLB has been hearing much from parents, teachers, and administrators regarding the risk/benefit ratio of opening schools for in-person instruction…

4 years ago

White Progressives Have a Lot of Work To Do And I’m Not Here To Help.

This is a guest post by my boss and colleague Chris Stewart, the Chief Executive Officer of brightbeam. He is a…

4 years ago

Murphy’s School Reopening Plan Will Open Pandora’s Box, Say New Jersey Superintendents

Last week Governor Murphy and Education Commissioner Repollet gave New Jersey school districts permission to open schools on July 6th…

4 years ago