NJ’s Alternative High School Assessments Dilemma

John Mooney has an important piece today in NJ Spotlight on the decision by Ed. Comm. Cerf and the DOE…

12 years ago

DOE Accepting Calculator Donations

The final number of students who failed to graduate is still not determined, officials conceded.That’s from NJ Spotlight’s report today…

14 years ago

Quote of the Day

Memo to Acting Commissioner Rochelle Hendricks from Assistant Commissioner Willa Spicer (see"AHSA Result for State Board Final") regarding the results…

14 years ago

When a Rose Isn’t a Rose

New Jersey may have one of the nation's top high school graduation rates, but when it comes to college just…

14 years ago

Doing the Math in Camden

Today the Courier-Post examines the dipping graduation rates in Camden City’s five public high schools, where “at least 100 fewer…

14 years ago

Great Piece on the SRA, But…

James Ahearn takes on the Special Review Assessment in The Record, reviewing how students would take the SRA after failing…

14 years ago

Parsing the AHSA Results

The Star-Ledger reports that 2,900 NJ high school seniors failed the Alternative High School Assessment, the replacement for the long-discredited…

14 years ago

Shooting the Messenger

The Education Law Center has a press release out that assails the NJ DOE for “deny[ing] diplomas to unprecedented numbers…

14 years ago

NJ’s “Telenovela”

Patrick Riccards over at Eduflack reviews the “telenovela” in Jersey over our Race To The Top soap opera: Ed. Comm.…

14 years ago

Memo of the Day

Dated May 17th, from Willa Spicer, Deputy Commissioner, to District Superintendents and Charter School Leaders regarding the high failure rate…

14 years ago