
Sunday Leftovers

NJ School Boards Association reports that almost 500 school districts held November elections for the first time, “a move that…

12 years ago

Newark/RTTT Update

Yesterday Acting Commissioner of Education Rochelle Hendricks testified before a legislative committee and confirmed that the Quality Single Accountability Continuum…

14 years ago

How ELC is Like the NRA (Hold Your Fire!)

Education Law Center announced last week that it would sue both Mayor Cory Booker and Governor Chris Christie if either…

14 years ago

Let’s See…North Star or Newark Central…

Everyone’s abuzz over Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s donation of $100 million to Newark Public Schools on the condition that the…

14 years ago

Quote of the Day

This [Robert Treat Academy Charter School] is a model that we should replicate all over the state of New Jersey,…

15 years ago

NJEA Members Refuse to Say “Baa”

Politico has a piece on the role of organized labor in the gubernatorial races in Virginia and N.J. In spite…

15 years ago

Why did Cory Booker Endorse Mike Bloomberg?

That's an easy one. It's education, stupid.Or it is once you parse the political pablum, thankfully at a minimum but…

15 years ago

Dancing Lemons

School Watch, the policy arm of the Excellent Education for Everyone think tank, has issued a fulminating report on the…

16 years ago

Mountain-Climbing in Jersey

In a memo released Monday, Education Commissioner Lucille Davy announced that the U.S. Department of Education had approved some New…

16 years ago