
Camden Parent on Superintendent Rouhanifard’s Community Engagement

“From the first high school fair to the new School Information Cards, I’m thrilled about the new opportunities I have…

9 years ago

Camden’s “Remarkable Scholars” Feted by District/Why We Need a New ESEA With Teeth

As discussions heat up in the U.S. Senate over a reauthorized ESEA (and urgency surges as the clock ticks away),…

9 years ago

Courier-Post Presents Editorial as Journalism Re: Camden School Lay-offs

No one likes to lay off teachers: neither parents, students, administrators, board members. While an article in the Courier Post…

9 years ago

Camden Public Schools Update: District Will Expand Summer Programs

In response to concerns about summer retention – educationally-disadvantaged children lose up to three months of reading and math proficiency…

9 years ago

Camden Superintendent Helps Launch New Support Center for Parents

From the press release:May 20, 2015--Office of the Superintendent, Camden, NJ – This morning Superintendent Paymon Rouhanifard will join Camden…

9 years ago

The Chutzpah of the Rutgers Anti-Charter Trio: “We’ll Tell You What’s Right for Your Kid”

On Saturday the Star-Ledger published a lengthy editorial-cum-analysis on the pushback in New Jersey against high-performing charter schools, specifically KIPP…

9 years ago

A N.J. Teacher Makes an Immodest Proposal

Today Walter Bowne, an A.P. English teacher somewhere in South Jersey, argues in NJ Spotlight that PARCC test results should…

9 years ago

NJEA Goes Off the Rails: PARCC, Pensions, and Camden School Choice

NJEA is on a roll. Just over the couple of months New Jersey’s primary teacher union leaders have mounted a…

9 years ago

Irony of the Day: Education Law Center FIghts Camden Parents’ Rights to Educational Equity

To no one’s surprise, Education Law Center is threatening legal action against the expansion of  renaissance schools in Camden, a…

9 years ago

New Newsworks column: Can Camden’s Renaissance Schools Challenge Anti-Charter Rhetoric?

It starts here:There’s been lots of chatter during the last few months from those who resent the expansion of school…

9 years ago