
Courier Post Editorial Post Corrects the Record

Yesterday WHYY Newsworks ran my column which responded to a badly-flawed Courier-Post piece, “Graduation Loophole Common in Camden” on Camden…

10 years ago

New Newsworks Post: Contrary to Recent Reports, Camden Isn’t Using a “Graduation Loophole”

It starts here:On Monday the Courier-Post asserted that Camden Public Schools conceals an “eye-popping” and “unique” percentage of high school…

10 years ago

Camden Update: “Our Students Have the Potential to Change the World”

I graduated from Camden schools, and the quality of the education my children were getting has been far below what…

10 years ago

Camden Principal Honored by U.S. Sec. of Education Arne Duncan

Camden Public Schools reports that Principal Keith Miles of Woodrow Wilson High School met yesterday with Sec. Duncan and other…

10 years ago

Camden Public Schools: Here’s What’s at Stake

The politics of public education often take center stage in debates about the best way forward for American schools. Advocates…

10 years ago

New NJ Spotlight Column: Ongoing Battles in NJ over Camden, Newark, PARCC Testing, and School Funding

It starts here:New Jersey’s education reform landscape has always been rocky, and 2014 was no exception, pitted with growing resistance…

10 years ago

Great News from Camden!

Camden Superintendent Paymon Rouhanifard just announced that the high school graduation rate in Camden City Schools, which was 51% in…

10 years ago

Two New Jersey Mothers Speak Out About School Choice

In just the past week two parents, one from Camden and one from Delaware Township, have written about their experiences…

10 years ago

QOD: KIPP Asks, “How Are N.J. Charter Schools Really Doing?”

KIPP NJ currently has one public charter high school: Newark Collegiate Academy. And that one school, which had just over…

10 years ago

New Newsworks Column: Camden Public Schools’ Turnaround And Community Engagement

It starts here:The statistics are grim in Camden City Schools: according to just-released state data, only 21 percent of children…

10 years ago