
Sen. Pres. Steve Sweeney and Sup. Paymon Rouhanifard Go after “Surplus Adminisitrators”

We’re awash in a new superstorm called Bridgegate whose land impact is TBD, but you can count on one thing…

11 years ago

New WHYY Post: Why Is Camden’s Turn-Around Plan Getting A Better Reception Than Newark’s?

From my column today buy diflucan online diflucan no prescription online pharmacy buy tenormin online no prescription pharmacy online pharmacy…

11 years ago

Longer School Days? Nope, Dinner

Blogging’s been light this week -- blame it on my hubbie’s (minor) surgery – and maybe I’m crankier than usual.…

11 years ago

Reaction to Christie’s Proposal for Longer School Days and Years

How much airtime did Gov. Christie devote to  education in his State of the State speech yesterday afternoon? The whole…

11 years ago

Think Camden’s High School Students are Underprepared for College? Look at Newark’s Weequahic

Lots of news this week about Newark Superintendent Cami Anderson’s plan, entitled One Newark Portfolio Plan,  to reorganize the city’s…

11 years ago

Three Camden High School Seniors Deemed “College Ready” by College Board

Just out from Associated Press:The new school superintendent in Camden says it was a "kick-in-the-stomach moment" when he learned that…

11 years ago

Education isn’t the only thing rotten at Camden High

There's been tons of coverage of the decrepit conditions at Trenton Central High School, including this from the Huffington Post,…

11 years ago

Four New Charter Schools Approved for Jersey

Four  charter organizations have just been approved by the NJ Department of Education to open new schools in September. According…

11 years ago

That’s an Expensive Lunch

The Camden School Board just signed a $120,000 settlement of a lawsuit filed on behalf of three fifth-grade Hispanic children…

11 years ago

Camden Looks for New Charters: Is it Better to Wait?

Big news for Camden this week: the school district there, under new leadership of Superintendent Paymon Rouhanifard, has put out…

11 years ago