
Meet Chika OgbuokIrI, Seventh Grade Poet at Camden’s KIPP Lanning Square Middle School!

Chika OgbuokIrI is a seventh grader at KIPP Lanning Square Middle School in Camden. Yet another Poet Laureate in the…

4 years ago

Here’s What Mark Weber Gets Wrong About Camden Charter Schools’ Impact on Teacher Diversity

Mark Weber may have anticipated feeling a trifle abashed after this week's publication of  a data-driven apolitical analysis he wrote…

4 years ago

COMMENTARY: Does Camden’s Teachers Union President Have the NJ Education Department in His Back Pocket?

This is part of an email Camden Education Association President Keith Benson sent late last week to his members (or…

4 years ago

New Report: Camden Public Charter Schools Get $16k Less per Pupil Than Traditional Camden Schools

There's a new report out from the University of Arkansas' Department of Education Reform that examines funding inequities in 18…

4 years ago

Students are Collateral Damage In Camden Union Prez’s Fight to Save Union Jobs

Keith Benson, President of the Camden Education Association, has a petition on demanding that NJEA “utilize its massive legal…

4 years ago

Camden Public Schools Get a Reopening Lift from Camden Education Fund

As New Jersey schools make plans to reopen in September, Camden is getting some extra help from the Camden Education…

4 years ago

With Repetition and Consistency, This Special Education Teacher Is Keeping Her Students on Track

As New Jersey enters its fourth month of school closures due to COVID-19, students on the margins are predictably suffering…

4 years ago

Will This Pandemic Force Us To Boldly Address the Inequities in Our Schools?

I live right off Route 206, a mostly two-lane road that begins in the Pinelands of southern New Jersey, winds…

5 years ago

Camden Councilwoman: “I Believe in the Transformation that is Taking Place in the City of my Birth,” Including Five Straight Years of Academic Improvement in Camden Schools.

This is a guest post by Felisha Reyes Morton who is a Camden Councilwoman (and first Latina to represent the…

5 years ago

After Seven Years of Broadly-Supported School Choice, How Are Camden Students Faring?

This is a guest post by David Osborne and Tressa Pankovits. Osbourne  leads the K-12 education work of the Progressive…

5 years ago