
Camden Superintendent To Announce New Initiatives to Increase Student Safety

Tomorrow morning Superintendent Paymon Rouhanifard will join with students, parents, and community leaders for an announcement focused on increasing student…

9 years ago

A Few Corrections to Dana Goldstein’s Slate Piece on Christie’s School Funding Proposal

Dana Goldstein has an article in Slate today called “Chris Christie’s Education Plan is Shocking.” While there’s much to like…

9 years ago

Under Christie’s School Funding Plan, State School Aid to His Home Town Would Increase by 1335%

In today's Record, Charles Stile reflects on Gov. Christie's proposal to place a referendum on the 2017 November ballot to…

9 years ago

Camden Superintendent Paymon Rouhanifard on the “False Dichotomy” of Fixing Education vs. Fixing Poverty

"There is a tiresome debate in education as far as, 'Do you fix education to cure poverty or do you…

9 years ago

News from Camden: Traditional Schools are Improving

Traditional Camden schools, reports Superintendent Paymon Rouhanifard, are showing signs of improvement, and therefore this year the district will not…

9 years ago

How the Disproportionality Problem in Special Education and Disciplinary Practices is like the “Hotel California”

From the Associated Press buy fluoxetine online :With new data in hand, the Education Department said Tuesday that disparities…

9 years ago

In Camden, Renaissance Schools are Community Schools

One of the constant complaints from the anti-charter cadre is that independent schools decimate neighborhood schools, which sometimes serve as…

9 years ago

Continuing the Conversation with Steve Danley

Thank you, Professor Steve Danley, for generously continuing our conversation about Camden Public Schools. These exchanges  are invaluable for dismantling…

9 years ago

A Response to a Camden School Choice Critic

I just read Steven Danley’s post on Camden Public Schools called “The Camden Enrollment System Has a Thumb on the…

9 years ago

Camden Public Schools’ Accountability Scores Reveal Honesty and Leadership

Yesterday’s Philadelphia Inquirer looks at the grim PARCC  results in Camden: 6% proficiency in language arts and 4% proficiency in…

9 years ago