Dr. Bruce Baker has a good blog post up called “NJ Charter School Data Round-Up” in which he compares demographics…
Neil Brown, Chief Academic Officer for RISE, which is designing a charter school for homeless kids and children of incarcerated…
We’re well into the lame duck session of the NJ State Legislature and, while there’s still hope for passage of…
The highly-regarded Brookings Institute has a new study out today which grades 13 cities on the “critical role of school…
New Jersey’s application to the Feds for a waiver from the strictures of No Child Left Behind includes a wishlist…
Great Moran piece today on the splintering of NJ Democrats over issues of race, leadership, public unions, and, yes, education…
Great Wall St. Journal piece today on “the tragedy of American politics.” This tragedy is the opposition of civil rights…
NJ’s DOE received 42 charter school applications this week. (NJ Spotlight, The Record, Philadelphia Inquirer.) Twelve are redo’s – applicants…
online pharmacy buy rogaine online cheap pharmacy John Mooney in NJ Spotlight describes the Senate Education Committee hearing yesterday on…
Julia Sass Rubin, a founding member of Save Our Schools-NJ, has an editorial in NJ Spotlight urging the passage of…