charter schools

Education Law Center Fights Newark’s Charter Expansion and Privileges Bureaucracy over Families

Last week Education Law Center (ELC) filed an appeal online pharmacy order female-cialis without prescription with best prices today in…

9 years ago

Christie Charter School Speech Round-Up

Yesterday Gov. Chris Christie gave the keynote at the New Jersey Charter School Association Conference in Atlantic City. (I live-tweeted…

9 years ago

Newark Election Marks “Coming Out Party of the Charter Community”

That's Lavar Young, Newark City Director for the Black Alliance for Educational Options, who told the Star-Ledger, "I think it…

9 years ago

Deconstructing Hillary Clinton’s Education Reform Agenda

I’ll be honest: until I read this Newsday interview with Hillary Clinton where she said that she would opt her…

9 years ago

QOD: A Newark Charter School Leader Describes His Students’ Special Needs and Calls for Collaboration, Not Combativeness

Misha Simmons, online pharmacy no prescription Executive Director of University Heights Charter School (UHCS) in Newark, describes his student…

9 years ago

QOD: Common Enrollment Offers a “Simple Reform” that Increases Access for Low-Income Families

Marcus Winters notes that "the rapid expansion of charters has done more to spread high quality education in America’s cities…

9 years ago

Are Newark’s North Star Teachers Inferior to Teachers in Rich Suburban Districts? Mark Weber says “Yes.”

Jersey Jazzman is on a tear: he’s just published his fifth installment of an ongoing critique of Stephen Chiger’s piece…

9 years ago

QOD: WSJ on NYC Mayor de Blasio’s “Embrace” of UFT & Unified Antipathy towards Charters

Read the whole article but here are a few tidbits:Mayor Bill de Blasio...has embraced the United Federation of Teachers and…

9 years ago

Why is Jersey Jazzman Despondent Because Uncommon Schools is Providing Low-Income Kids of Color with Academic Success?

Leave it to Jersey Jazzman, a.k.a., Mark Weber, to take offense -- and then become offensive -- after reading someone…

9 years ago

Christie to Newark Mayor Baraka: I’ll Run Over You if You Resist School Choice

Just when it seemed like N.J.’s absentee governor Chris Christie couldn’t do any more damage to his brand, yesterday he…

9 years ago