charter schools

Is Corzine Really a Charter School Fan?

Jon Corzine’s deathbed conversion to unfettered charter school expansion during Thursday night’s gubernatorial debate is a little confusing if you've…

15 years ago

Here’s NJEA’s Talking Points

on why union members should vote for Corzine instead of Christie. Among the key issues: Corzine “does not support [merit…

16 years ago

Weinberg’s Charter School Dupe

Here’s what L.G. Candidate Loretta Weinberg told NJN during a visit to a Teaneck charter school on Tuesday (link here,…

16 years ago

Corzine’s Doin’ the Charter School Bop

Governor Corzine is fighting the perception that his Administration is unwelcoming to charter school expansion. According to New Jersey Newsroom,…

16 years ago

NJEA Members Refuse to Say “Baa”

Politico has a piece on the role of organized labor in the gubernatorial races in Virginia and N.J. In spite…

16 years ago

Christie Puts His Weight Behind Charter Schools

Chris Christie is touting his promised reforms to NJ’s public education system (press release here; New Jersey Newsroom story here),…

16 years ago

Christie on Charters, Vouchers, Pre-K

Last month School Leader, the monthly mag from NJSBA, published an interview with Governor Corzine. This month it’s Chris Christie’s…

16 years ago

Six New Charter Schools in N.J.

The DOE gave final approval to 6 new charter schools, which will all open in September: The Institute for Excellence…

16 years ago

Education Law Center Logic Lapse

The Education Law Center’s current agenda, as evidenced by some recent publications, betrays some cognitive dissonance. On the one hand,…

16 years ago

NAACP Goes to Trenton

A representative from the Trenton branch of the NAACP told the Trenton School Board last night that it must do…

16 years ago