charter schools

Clinton Insults Minority Voters by Refusing to Discuss Education

As a life-long Democrat, I’m so disappointed in my current presidential candidates, each of whom declined an invitation from Campbell…

9 years ago

New Mathematica Study on KIPP Charter Schools as They Scale Up; FYI, They Don’t “Cream Off” Top Students

Skeptics of KIPP argue that these schools rely on selective admission, attrition, and replacement of students to produce positive achievement…

9 years ago

Camden Parents to Anti-Reform Lobbyists: Your Concerns are “Just Noise”

Both NJ Spotlight and the A.P. report today on the ribbon-cutting at Camden’s KIPP Cooper Norcross Academy, the first public…

9 years ago

QOD: A Parent of Children with Special Needs Rebuts Farina and de Blasio’s Claims about Charter Selectivity

A Bronx parent of three kids with special needs buy actos online buy actos online no prescription rebuts NYC Schools…

10 years ago

Bellwether “Briefing Book”: By 2035, Charter Schools will Educate 20-40% of all American Public School Students

Bellwether has just issued a “briefing book” called “The State of the Charter School Movement” which “reviews the current state…

10 years ago

QOD: What’s the Impact of Charter Schools on Newark Traditional Schools?

Tom Moran of the Star-Ledger runs the numbers:Let's start with the kids. At last count, 26 percent of Newark students…

10 years ago

Camden Update: Parents are Thrilled By Renaissance Schools; Anti-Choice Lobbies Threaten Action

So, how’s it going at Camden Public Schools, where three new renaissance schools – hybrid district/charter schools run by non-profit…

10 years ago

Magnet Schools in New Jersey: Applauded Yet Segregated

Speaking of school choice, some parents in New Jersey can bypass their neighborhood school by enrolling their children in one…

10 years ago

QOD: “How NOLA Proved Urban Education Reform Can Work”

Jonathan Chait in New York Magazine considers the impact of school reform in New Orleans post-Hurricane Katrina, “a disaster that…

10 years ago

Deconstructing the “Narrative” of Newark Public Schools

There’s a new kind of fairy tale in the annals of those who denigrate efforts at education reform. It goes…

10 years ago