Connecticut Copycats NJ Charter School Law

online pharmacy purchase imuran online generic Adam Emerson over at Fordham’s Education Gadfly analyzes a new charter school bill proposed in the Connecticut Legislature that

That’s One Expensive Charter School

Today’s Trenton Times reports on a long-proposed charter for a Mandarin-immersion school, Princeton International Academy Charter School. PIACS’s application sparked the creation of a coalition

Louisiana Gets It Done

Today’s Wall St. Journal lauds Louisiana’s new school choice laws, which: online pharmacy no prescription 1) Give each low-income parent a voucher worth an

When is a Compromise Become a Cop-Out? (Think LIFO)

Yesterday’s Star-Ledger editorial defined the essential problem with back-room negotiations regarding Sen. Teresa Ruiz’s tenure reform bill: while the earlier versions eliminated tenure protection for

Quote of the Day

NJ Democratic Assemblyman Gary Schaer in today’s Record: online pharmacy cytotec no prescription I support public schools and have been a staunch advocate for increased