Quote of the Day

Ed. Commissioner Chris Cerf on a bill that would subject all proposed charter schools to a public vote: Cerf reiterated his longstanding opposition to allowing

Is SOS-NJ Consulting for Gov, Christie:?

When I wrote in my Spotlight editorial on Friday that the existence of charter schools provokes a disproportional response from charter detractors, I was right.

Check out…

my new piece at NJ Spotlight, “The Charter School Controversy: Much Ado about Nothing.” I’ll respond to comments shortly. online pharmacy order amaryl without prescription

NJ DOE Approves 8 New Charter Schools

The NJ Department of Education just announced that it has approved eight new charter applications. There were 42 applications in this round. The ones that

A Few Other Charter School Grades

From the new report, “Measuring Up to the Model: A Tool for Comparing State Charter School Laws”: In the category “Adequate Access to Capital Funding

NJ’s Flunks Charter School Test

The new report from the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, “Measuring Up to the Model: A Tool for Comparing State Charter School Laws,” drew