I’m taking a bit of heat in the comments section for my post yesterday (see below) regarding an essential difference among NJ’s Interdistrict Public School
Amidst all the will-he-or-won’t-he Christie fog on the Jersey windshield, it’s been easy to miss this week’s stream of articles and editorials on charter schools.
One tiny piece of charter legislation passed the Senate yesterday: Bill S1858, which allows parochial schools to convert to public charters, with the condition that
On prospects for passage in the NJ Legislature for bills on tenure reform, merit pay, and multiple authorizers for charter schools, from The Record: online
Rev. Reginald Jackson’s rebuttal to Gordon MacInnes has now been posted at NJ Spotlight. To recap, Mr. MacInnes begins his op-ed by criticizing NJEA, the
Last week Gordon MacInnes wrote an editorial for NJ Spotlight that vaunts NJ’s public school system as the best in the nation (except for Massachusetts)
NJ Spotlight notes the one-year anniversary of Chris Christie’s firing of then-Ed Commissioner Bret Schundler because of a (minor) screw-up in our Race To The
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