Four Degrees of NEA

Question: how many degrees of separation are there between the broadening coalition opposing the expansion of charter schools in New Jersey and the National Education

There’s No Armanis in Camden

Today’s NJ Spotlight, Star-Ledger, and the Asbury Park Press highlight a veritable groundswell of wealthy parents and school district officials fighting the influx of charter

Charter School Stories

Here’s the scenario: 120 parents waited in line, some for twenty-four hours, to secure a spot for their children in a higher-achieving school in a

Charter, Shmarter

Michael Winerip in today’s New York Times online pharmacy buy vibramycin without prescription with best prices today in the USA channels Diane Ravitch: There is

Quote of the Day

There isn’t going to be any way that there will be co-existence with charter schools while I’m breathing. That’s the temperate words of Newark Teachers

Newark Snafu

The Star-Ledger reports that Newark school officials are closing several traditional public schools to accommodate eleven charter schools in “a massive reshuffling.” The Ledger obtained

Quote of the Day

There are a variety of educational and operational challenges facing charter networks that want to achieve scale and sustainability. A key aspect of those challenges—the