Christie’s One-Man Band

Is it possible to flip the bird to NJEA and still succeed as New Jersey’s education reformer? It sounds like Chris Christie is going to

Quote of the Day

This [Robert Treat Academy Charter School] is a model that we should replicate all over the state of New Jersey, everywhere. And there is no

Davy Takes the Stage

It was standing room only yesterday at NJSBA’s “Conversation with the Commissioner” – over 300 board members and administrators eager to hear from Lucille Davy,

N.J.’s Share of Charter Schools: 1.3%

Del Stover at American School Board Journal takes a measured look at “the evolution of school choice” buy biaxin online no prescription across the

Quote of the Day

Policy wonks always favor the idea of merging municipalities and school districts. As property taxes soar, more and more voters agree. The devil, of course,

Is a Jersey City Public Education Priceless?

Here’s the most in-depth discussion of educational issues among our gubernatorial candidates. The Star-Ledger’s Editorial Board covers the usual contentious topics – school funding, universal

Hey, Mr. Christie: Here’s Some Free Advice

Christie’s campaign advisors have apparently decided that the “silence is golden” rule doesn’t apply to candidates undergoing horsewhipping for taking the taciturn approach to economic

Charter School Math

Let’s look at a real example of charter schools in an poor urban area with rotten schools, say, Camden. Here’s the sorry stats for Camden