Charter School Fever

There’s been a fair amount of buzz regarding David Brooks’ column in the New York Times this past Friday. Brooks highlights The Promise Academy, a

Green Dot’s Steve Barr

Great Douglas McGray article in the May 11th issue of The New Yorker on Steve Barr of Green Dot, the charter school group in Los

Lonegan Solves N.J.’s Educational Ills

Republican gubernatorial candidate Steve Lonegan has some, er, interesting ideas about dealing with N.J.’s public education problems. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, he is proposing

Trenton Conundrum

As Governor Corzine and Lucille Davy continue to woo the court to replace the Abbott rulings with the new School Funding Reform Act, the Trenton

Dancing Lemons

School Watch, the policy arm of the Excellent Education for Everyone think tank, has issued a fulminating report on the dismal state of the Newark

Trendspotting Merit Pay and Charter Schools

Today’s Wall St Journal features a letter from Joel Klein online pharmacy inderal for sale no prescription pharmacy , Chancellor of the New York City

Sunday Leftovers

The U.S. Department of Education has sent a letter out to every state in the union, detailing where each one is on Elementary and Secondary

Change We Can Believe In

It’s mid-November, so it must be time for the NJEA Teacher Convention! A week after school board members partied in Atlantic City, 35,000 members of

Booker and Friends

The Los Angeles Times has an op ed co-written by John Doerr, partner in a venture capital firm, Ted Mitchell, chief executive of NewSchools Venture