Katharine Hart of Medford Lakes has a son who just turned three years old, a preschooler who became eligible for…
This post was originally published on Project Forever Free by its chief editor, my pal Erika Sanzi. Erika also blogs…
My dear friend Susan Cohen recently wrote an article for the National Fragile X Foundation on the friendship of our…
I am a mom of a son with multiple disabilities. This means that, by definition, I am a school choice…
(A different version of this piece appeared earlier this month at Education Post.) Let’s just call her Betsy DeVoid. Our…
This post is by Liz Winslow, a school choice warrior and mom of three children, two of whom have special…
Last week Rabbi Osher Eisemann, the founder of the School for Hidden Intelligence (SCHI), previously arrested for mere money-laundering, is now…
Nine-year-old Wesley Clark is a fourth-grader at PS 8 in Brooklyn Heights. He and his family were recently profiled in…