Chris Cerf

Doing the Math As Newark Superintendent Fattens His Real Estate Portfolio

Newark Superintendent Roger Leon is on a spending spree, a newly-styled real estate magnate with plenty of money to burn…

2 years ago

Newark Superintendent’s Vendetta Against Public Charters Is Costing Taxpayers Millions of Dollars

Or maybe he's just nostalgic for the good old days when Newark Public Schools District was on the hook for…

2 years ago

New Newark Poll: Voters Strongly Support Charters But Many Think Education in Newark Is On the ‘Wrong Track’

Every year for the past three years New Jersey Children’s Foundation* has commissioned the progressive polling firm Change Research to…

3 years ago

Murphy’s Education Commissioner on Her Way Out?

Update: Score one up for Politico, one down for North Jersey Media. Today Carly Sitrin reports that Murphy will renominate…

3 years ago

Murphy Faces Backlash Over Announcement That All Schools Must Reopen in September

Governor Phil Murphy, who announced Wednesday that starting in September all schools must be full-time in-person, is getting some blowback.…

3 years ago

NJ Education Department Leak Shows Lack of Support for Staff Under New Commissioner

This following note was sent to NJ Left Behind by a New Jersey Department of Education staff member who wishes…

4 years ago

Q&A: Chris Cerf on Fighting COVID Learning Loss With Great Teaching

Last March schools across the country closed and typical live instruction morphed into erratic meetings on Zoom. Many of us…

4 years ago

Voices from the Parent Summit: Tafshier Cosby-Thomas on Charter School Wars, a Pact With Her Sisters, and Helping Parents Become Education Advocates.

Last year I interviewed Tafshier Cosby-Thomas about her educational experiences in Newark, both as a student and a parent. At…

5 years ago

What Sort of Teacher Union Leader Compares Teachers to Concentration Camp Prisoners? This One.

Last week I wrote a post called“Should Gov. Murphy Take Advice From Newark Teacher Union Prez John Abeigon on Charter…

5 years ago

The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves; Or, Is Kowtowing to Union Leaders Good for State Leadership?

Let’s be clear: the vast majority of staff members at the New Jersey Department of Education are caring, competent people,…

6 years ago