
On NJEA’s Credibility Problem

In this Sunday’s New York Times Magazine, Matt Bai looks at NJEA’s anachronistic hard line against changes to pay and…

14 years ago

Christie the Moderate

Pugnacious and boastful, bullying and bombastic, arrogant and contentious: these are some of the mainstream media descriptions of Gov. Christie’s…

14 years ago

Quote of the Day

New NJEA press release entitled "Now We Know the Real Chris Christie:"Chris Christie has one objective: to destroy New Jersey’s…

14 years ago

Primer on Christie’s Ed Reform Proposals

Gov. Christie's State of the State speech was widely praised as diplomatic if short on specifics regarding education reform. Here…

14 years ago

Quote of the Day

Liam Julian at Fordham's Flypaper blog considers Gov. Christie's comment during his State of the State speech that "teaching can…

14 years ago

Quote of the Day

From the Governor's press release announcing Christopher Cerf's nomination as NJ Commissioner of Education:“Governor Christie has made it clear that…

14 years ago

Christie Nominates Chris Cerf

Last night Gov. Christie nominated Christopher Cerf, former deputy chancellor of NYC public schools, as NJ's Commissioner of Education. From…

14 years ago

Paranoia, according to Woody Allen, Is Simply Knowing All the Facts

Democratic Assembly Education Committee members are so peeved over Gov. Christie's speech on Tuesday in D.C. at the Foundation for…

14 years ago

Quote of the Day

Newsweek’s Andrew Romano explains why President Obama, the cerebral law professor, can learn some lessons in the "politics of austerity"…

14 years ago

Remember the Lightbulb Jokes?

There’s no dearth of ink for the ongoing roiling over school superintendent caps in New Jersey. Every paper is featuring…

14 years ago