With all the adrenaline hosed on Race To The Top (including our own), a pattern in N.J. is emerging amidst…
Gov.-elect Christopher Christie could not have found a nominee for Commissioner of Education that would rile up the New Jersey…
We’re bumping up against a reality where the teaching profession is resisting doing a lot of things that are pretty…
What's going on at Education Law Center, N.J.'s preeminent advocate for poor urban schoolchildren? ELC’s ethos is educational equity and…
Here’s Governor-Elect Christie (courtesy of the Asbury Park Press) on how to cut school costs, the main driver of N.J.’s…
Yum. John Wisniewski, an Assembly Democrat has issued a press release criticizing Gov.-Elect Christie for “having difficulty sticking to what…
The Star-Ledger has obtained a November 19th email to Ed Commish Lucille Davy from Susan Cole, head of Christie’s education…
Teachers are not the problem. It’s the over-politicized of the leadership of their union. buy bactroban online https://www.kurtzpsychology.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/bactroban.html no prescription…
Thomas Carroll, President of the Foundation for Education Reform & Accountability, has a piece in the New York Post on…
Today’s Trenton Times features an editorial by Dr. James Deneen, an ETS program director, and Dr. Carmen Cantanese, a former…