NJEA Launches Anti-Christie Website

With pictures of Jon Corzine looking authoritative and benevolent, and pictures of Chris Christie looking large and bewildered, NJEA has launched a new website called

Star-Ledger Endorses Daggett

Chris Christie, writes the Star-Ledger Editorial Board, is a no-go due to “his sketchy budget plans and his relative lack of familiarity with the details

Is a Jersey City Public Education Priceless?

Here’s the most in-depth discussion of educational issues among our gubernatorial candidates. The Star-Ledger’s Editorial Board covers the usual contentious topics – school funding, universal

Christie Writes a Letter to NJEA Members

Read it here; his education platform is prefaced by this explanation (emphases are his own): buy arava online arava online generic Right now, the Trenton-based

Hey, Mr. Christie: Here’s Some Free Advice

Christie’s campaign advisors have apparently decided that the “silence is golden” rule doesn’t apply to candidates undergoing horsewhipping for taking the taciturn approach to economic

Dueling Quotes of the Day

If he’s re-elected, Jon Corzine will be more indebted to the public and private sector unions than ever before. Remember, this is the man who

Is Corzine Really a Charter School Fan?

Jon Corzine’s deathbed conversion to unfettered charter school expansion during Thursday night’s gubernatorial debate is a little confusing if you’ve been following the rhetoric. Just

Here’s NJEA’s Talking Points

on why union members should vote for Corzine instead of Christie. Among the key issues: Corzine “does not support [merit pay] because it creates a