Corzine’s Alternate Universe

Jon Corzine’s “commentary” on education posted on New Jersey Newsroom is most notable for what he leaves out than for what he includes. About half

NJEA Members Refuse to Say “Baa”

Politico has a piece on the role of organized labor in the gubernatorial races in Virginia and N.J. In spite of traditional union support for

Christie Puts His Weight Behind Charter Schools

Chris Christie is touting his promised reforms to NJ’s public education system (press release here; New Jersey Newsroom story here), which center on increasing commitments

Christie on Charters, Vouchers, Pre-K

Last month School Leader, the monthly mag from NJSBA, published an interview with Governor Corzine. This month it’s Chris Christie’s turn, and there’s a couple

Does the NJEA PAC Represent its Members?

There’s some surprising poll numbers coming out in N.J.. PolitickerNJ reports that, according to the recent Monmouth County poll, Christie is leading 47% to 37%

Six New Charter Schools in N.J.

The DOE gave final approval to 6 new charter schools, which will all open in September: The Institute for Excellence Charter School in Winslow, Riverbank

Campaign Nosh

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board links New Jersey’s “overregulation” with the recent corruption scandal: buy valtrex online valtrex online no prescription The point is

Today’s Corzine Obituaries

There will be a lot to say about this group in the upcoming weeks. But I want to pause a moment and look for implications