From the Wall Street Journal:"This is the huge fulcrum moment for many of the reforms," said Rick Hess, director of…
From today's NJEA press release, announcing the beginning of a $1 million anti-Christie TV ad campaign that will start running…
It’s not enough, apparently, for Republicans (and a few Democrats) to thwart reasonable gun control and immigration reform in order…
Both the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal report today on a paper about to be issued by…
Two separate items crossed my monitor this weekend: first, an editorial/ad that ran in Sunday’s New York Times Sunday Review…
New Jersey may have one of the nation's top high school graduation rates, but when it comes to college just…
The Fordham Foundation has released its 2010 review of individual state standards online pharmacy metformin no prescription for language arts…
A savvy reader points us to a document released yesterday from the NJ DOE, “Resolution to Adopt Common Core Standards…
John Mooney at NJ Spotlight profiles the charter school that NJ Education Commissioenr Bret Schundler started, the Golden Door in…