common core

When Local School Boards Get it Right: Marlboro Reduces Local Testing and Values PARCC

It’s so easy to hate your local school board. Trust me on this: I’ve been a school board member for…

9 years ago

QOD: Once Again, Why We Need Common Core and Aligned Tests

After you complete high school, you’re often expected to go on to higher education. But here in the city, the…

9 years ago

QOD: N.J. Teacher of the Year Explains Why Our Kids Need Common Core-aligned PARCC Tests

Maryann Woods-Murphy, New Jersey's 2010 Teacher of the Year, explains how the National Network of State Teachers of the Year…

9 years ago

A Response to a Report of Andrew Cuomo’s Demise

On Saturday Fred LeBrun of the Times-Union, Albany’s daily paper wrote an obituary for Andrew Cuomo’s career. According to LeBrun,…

9 years ago

A Teachable Moment for Andrew Cuomo: Lead the State, Not Just the Loud

Poor Andrew Cuomo: he just can’t get it right. First he signed the Education Transformation Act of 2015 that, in…

9 years ago

New York’s Common Core Task Force Advises Swift Brake Application to Reform

 On Thursday morning President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act, which greatly reduces the federal role in public education…

9 years ago

What’s the Purpose of a Federal Education Law Anyway?

Jim Schutze has a provocative column in the Dallas Observer (hat tip: Chris Stewart) called “Teacher Unions and Koch Bros.…

9 years ago

MA PARCC Update: “Nat’l Media Has Inaccurately Described MA as ‘Abandoning the Common Core and PARCC'”

On Sunday the New York Times featured an article on the demise of the Common Core and PARCC assessments in…

9 years ago

Call It What You Want, Common Core is Here to Stay

Today's Washington Examiner article, entitled "Tide Shifting Against Common Core," is a great illustration of  the failure of journalists to…

9 years ago

MA Replaces PARCC with PARCC: Tea Party and Teacher Unions Cheer

Today’s New York Times features a doomsday article on the demise of the PARCC assessments aligned with the Common Core…

9 years ago