common core

Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, SOS-NJ, and NJEA Celebrate Christie’s SIgning of Two Anti-Testing Bills

Today's NJ Spotlight reports on Gov. Christie's approval of two Assembly bills, one that bars standardized testing for K-2 students…

9 years ago

NY and NJ NAEP Scores: “Don’t Panic”

There are two articles out today, one from the Fran Stancavage and George Bohrnstedt at the American Institute for Research…

9 years ago

New Spotlight column: Why is the Opt-Out Movement Outraged at Obama’s Testing Cap?

It starts here buy ventolin online online pharmacy buy actos no prescription :On Saturday President Obama proposed a “Testing…

9 years ago

QOD: What Does Merryl Tisch’s Departure Mean for Ed Policy in New York State?

From Chalkbeat, which asks if  the pending retirement of  Regents Chancellor Merryl Tisch is a victory for labor leaders of…

9 years ago

New Assessment Results Prove Our Schools Need to Change, So What’s Next?

Like the boy in the Hans Christian Anderson’s tale called "The Emperor's New Clothes," we’re all agape as results on…

9 years ago

From a PBS Fan: Don’t Check Your Journalistic Integrity at the Door

Let me state this for the record: I love PBS.  But Gwen Ifill’s interview with Jesse Hagopian, an anti-testing activist…

9 years ago

N.J. PARCC Drill-Down: Reality Hurts and Common Core Works

The New Jersey Department of Education released the state’s first PARCC results yesterday afternoon. No surprises here: student proficiency scores…

9 years ago

QOD: Mayor of Yonkers on Overcoming N.Y.’s Dual School System, One for Poor Kids and One for Rich Kids

While the State needs to step up funding and contribute to constructions costs, says Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano, online pharmacy…

9 years ago

QOD: NYC High School Principal on the Impact of the Common Core on Low-Performing Students

Caterina Lafergola, the principal of New York City’s Automotive High, spoke to Chalkbeat about her challenges in leading one of…

9 years ago

Head of La Raza Explains Why New Jersey Must Maintain Common Core State Standards

Rafael Collazo, Director of the National Council of La Raza and a New Jersey public school parent, addressed the Education…

9 years ago