
Anyone Have Some Dragonglass?

Superintendents aren't going to advocate for eliminating their jobs. School business administrators aren't going to advocate for eliminating their jobs.…

7 years ago

Can Education Law Center Bring Home the Bacon?

Education Law Center has joined the plaintiffs in the “Bacon” cases, a lawsuit that charges that sixteen small rural districts…

10 years ago

Quote of the Day

James Ahearn of The Record on superintendent salary caps:Christie isn’t the first American governor to peg superintendent salaries to his…

14 years ago

Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi!

The Asbury Park Press has this to say about school district consolidation: “it’s dead in the water, at least for…

14 years ago

Quote of the Day

Vince Giordano, the overpaid director of the state teachers union, sat at the witness table in a Senate committee room…

14 years ago

You Know That Business About Consolidating School Districts?

Never mind. That’s the report from New Jersey School Boards Association based on remarks from Bret Schundler regarding “the centerpiece…

14 years ago

Consolidation Deadline Looming

March 2010 is the presumptive date for Executive County Superintendents to file recommendations with the State DOE on consolidating non-K-12…

15 years ago

From Our In-Coming Big Cheese

Here’s Governor-Elect Christie (courtesy of the Asbury Park Press) on how to cut school costs, the main driver of N.J.’s…

15 years ago

Some Educational Suggestions for Mr. Christie

Today’s Trenton Times features an editorial by Dr. James Deneen, an ETS program director, and Dr. Carmen Cantanese, a former…

15 years ago

The Cost of Home Rule

If we are to ultimately control the cost of government . . . we are going to have to deal…

15 years ago