
Maybe We Should Try the Macarena

North Jersey’s editorial, “Is Merging School Districts A Good Idea?” follows what seems to be a kabuki dance of talking…

16 years ago

Wouldn’t a Prius Be Greener?

Here's an editorial today from the Star-Ledger trumpeting the benefits of regionalization. On the inefficiencies endemic to locally-controlled school districts:Regionalization…

16 years ago

Slouching Towards Cape May?

The Philadephia Daily News has a piece today describing a consolidation threat in the Cape May County school district of…

16 years ago

Staying in the Slow Lane

The Press of Atlantic City reports that three districts neatly positioned for consolidation will take a pass. The School Boards…

16 years ago

Camden County, Bergen County

The Courier-Post had an editorial yesterday urging the consolidation of five school districts in Camden County, specifically Hi-Nella, Laurel Springs,…

16 years ago

Ahearn’s Beef

James Ahearn of The Record has a column in which he lambastes Democrats in Trenton for supporting Corzine’s creation of…

16 years ago

Board Members Blast DOE

New Jersey School Boards Association had their Delegate Assembly on Saturday, including a panel discussion called “The Challenges, Opportunities, and…

16 years ago

The People Speak

With the rampant governmental infighting about consolidation of school districts, resistance from local school boards, and fiats from the Department…

16 years ago

Feverish Atlantic City

Here are two vignettes from the NJSBA convention. The first one: it’s Tuesday afternoon, and the Atlantic City Convention Center…

16 years ago

Live-Blogging from NJSBA

We're live-blogging from the New Jersey School Boards Association annual convention in Atlantic City -- 10,000 school board members, business…

16 years ago