
What Can Districts Learn From Top Public Charters on Remote Instruction? Highlights From a New Report.

Yesterday I posted a letter (read it here) from the New Jersey Public Charter Schools Association to the Democratic National…

4 years ago

Lakewood Parents on In-School Instruction: “We’re Only Here As Props!”

Lakewood Public Schools has carefully orchestrated its plan to open schools for full-day in-person instruction on September 4th. Yet efforts…

4 years ago

Latest News on New Jersey’s (Rapidly Changing) School Reopening Plans.

It's not a secret how all this should work. When anticipating prolonged school closures, states need to set clear expectations…

4 years ago

As September Approaches, “Do We Have Any Business Returning Anyone To School?”

NJLB has been hearing much from parents, teachers, and administrators regarding the risk/benefit ratio of opening schools for in-person instruction…

4 years ago

Surely We Can Do Better Than DeVos When It Comes to Opening Schools

Sunday morning Education Secretary Betsy DeVos went on CNN and Fox to tout her belief that all American schools must…

4 years ago

Why Are Medically-Compromised Students Going Back to School in a Week? They’re Following State Guidelines.

We are not a hospital. We are not a summer camp. We are not a test for the thousands of…

4 years ago

Donald Trump and Diane Ravitch Are Anti-Testing Soulmates

In these times of high anxiety it’s a boost to one’s spirits to discover a bit of serendipity. That moment…

4 years ago

Op-Ed: New Jersey Schools Must Fully Open in September

This is a guest post by Sam Cole,a life-long resident of New Jersey.  He is the Co-Founder and a Managing Principal…

4 years ago

Murphy’s School Reopening Plan Will Open Pandora’s Box, Say New Jersey Superintendents

Last week Governor Murphy and Education Commissioner Repollet gave New Jersey school districts permission to open schools on July 6th…

4 years ago

7 Ways Teachers Can Use Zoom to Connect with Students Right Now

This is a guest post by Mark Joseph, a sixth-grade math teacher at KIPP Rise Academy in Newark, where he…

4 years ago