Diane Ravitch

New Report on ‘Unfinished Learning’ Finds Our Kids Are Not Okay

This is a disaster. The bottom has fallen out, and the results are as bad as you can imagine. We…

3 years ago

COMMENTARY: Was DeVos Really the “Worst Secretary of Education Ever”?

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos resigned last night, citing Wednesday’s putsch at the Capitol, Trump’s incitement of violence, and her concern that…

4 years ago

Top Union Officials Wooing Biden Share This Motto: “School Choice for Me but Not for Thee.”

Those of you who follow me know I rarely have anything nice to say out-going U.S. Secretary Betsy DeVos and…

4 years ago

Donald Trump and Diane Ravitch Are Anti-Testing Soulmates

In these times of high anxiety it’s a boost to one’s spirits to discover a bit of serendipity. That moment…

4 years ago

No Matter What Anyone Says, the Money Ought to Follow the Kid Regardless of What Kind of Public School They Choose

This is a post by my friend and colleague Zachary Wright, a national finalist for the United States Department of Education’s…

6 years ago

Road Trip for Responders to David Leonhardt’s Charter/Voucher Editorial!

Last week David Leonhardt wrote an editorial in the New York Times that looks at two types of school choice,…

7 years ago