Should NJ Keep Kids in School Til Age 18?

During President Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, he dropped in a proposal that students should not be permitted to leave high school

NJ’s Urban Hope Act Divides ELC and NJEA

How pissed off is Education Law Center over the proposed Urban Hope Act, the fast-tracked bill that would (in its most recent incarnation) build a

ELC Protests our ESEA Waiver Application

NJ’s Education Law Center has just released a letter to U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan requesting that NJ’s application for a waiver from the

How Peaceful is Camden?

The Courier-Post is all over Camden Public Schools’ failure to accurately report incidents of violence and vandalism. (See earlier story here.) Each year, per state

How Much Do We Spend Per Pupil?

The Common Sense Institute of New Jersey, a libertarian organization that opposes current levels of government spending, has just put out a new report called