Donald Trump

NJ Dems Demand GOP Disavow Race-Baiting Mailers and Pelosi-Mocking School Board Candidates

With Election Day approaching, the New Jersey Democratic State Committee is calling out two highly troubling incidents of extreme, radical…

2 years ago

SHUTMAN: Ask Your School Board Candidates These Questions

Jonathan Shutman,Ed.D., is a retired school principal and administrator who has worked in the Marlboro, North Brunswick, and Montclair public…

2 years ago

BENNETT: Party Bosses or Party Bases? The Problem with NJ Primaries isn’t the County Line

Jeff Bennett blogs at New Jersey Education Aid. In the last two years there’s been a campaign by progressive groups…

2 years ago

FRANKEL: Phil Murphy’s Fear of Owning What He Says Makes It Hard To Be a Democrat Right Now

Matthew Frankel worked in the Clinton White House, the Office of House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt, and is a veteran…

2 years ago

COMMENTARY: It’s Time for Murphy to Take Off His MAGA Hat

Gov. Phil Murphy says he supports “giving our children the education they need to succeed in a 21st century economy.”…

3 years ago

WRIGHT: A Year After the Capitol Insurrection It’s Unclear Whether We Have Woken Up a Changed Nation

Zach Wright, a New Jersey resident, is an assistant professor of practice at Relay Graduate School of Education serving Philadelphia…

3 years ago

ANSWERED: Are Murphy’s Mask/Vaccine Mandates in Schools an Abuse of Power?

New Jersey resident Rachel Collins of Burlington County has filed a lawsuit against the New Jersey Department of Education Commissioner…

3 years ago

EXPLAINER: The Truth About Critical Race Theory and How It Shows Up in Your Child’s Classroom

WHAT IS CRITICAL RACE THEORY? Critical race theory (sometimes abbreviated to CRT) is an intellectual approach to looking at U.S. society…

3 years ago

Blue States Failing Students by Not Reopening, Writes Former Camden Supt. in TIME

Earlier this week, Paymon Rouhanifard, former Superintendent of Camden City Public Schools, hit back at "blue states" -- those that…

3 years ago

STATE AID GUY: More People Move Out of New Jersey Than Almost Any Other State, Contrary to NJPP’s Fictions

There is a lot of room to argue about the causes of NJ's high rate of domestic outmigration.  Reasonable people…

4 years ago