Donald Trump

After the Insurrection, It’s Time To Listen To MLK

Tanesha Peeples is the Deputy Director for Activist Development at brightbeam. This post forst appeared on Education Post, one of…

4 years ago

COMMENTARY: Was DeVos Really the “Worst Secretary of Education Ever”?

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos resigned last night, citing Wednesday’s putsch at the Capitol, Trump’s incitement of violence, and her concern that…

4 years ago

Why Is Education Law Center Discounting Parent Support for Charter Schools in Deference to NJEA?

Jasmine Morrison is a parent activist in Newark with two sons in charter schools. For more coverage of her advocacy,…

4 years ago

It's Every Student Succeeds Act’s Fifth Anniversary But There's Nothing to Celebrate

Five years ago TikTok, the video-sharing social networking platform, didn’t even exist. Today, the New York Times reports that over one-third of…

4 years ago

Samantha Bee’s Opposition to School Choice is Wrong and Hypocritical.

Samantha Bee decided to go on the attack against school choice this week during her show, Full Frontal. Based on the…

4 years ago

Middletown Parent: Teacher’s #BlackLivesMatter Sign Was Censored But Not a MAGA Flag?

This is a letter from David Cohen, a Middletown High School parent, in response to the school board's decision to…

4 years ago

You Can Hate Trump And Support School Choice

Every time Donald Trump says, “school choice is the civil rights issue of our time,” I cringe. It’s hard to…

4 years ago

No Testing Means No Problems, Right? So Says Trump and Mark Weber

The first tweet on this page is from Mark Weber, acolyte of teacher union leaders and affiliated groups like Education…

4 years ago

Hand Me The Barf Bag: I Agree With Trump Jr. On School Choice.

It is unacceptable that too many African American and Hispanic American children are stuck in bad schools, just because of…

4 years ago

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Must Rise: Thoughts on Last Night’s Convention.

True confession: I didn't watch the Democratic virtual convention last night. Currently I'm maintaining my mental health by mainlining "The…

4 years ago