Federal School Funding

Lakewood’s Looming Fiscal Cliff (a Different One This Time)

It's not often that I get a chance to browse through school board agendas but once in a while I…

2 years ago

EL-MEKKI: We Have an Education Crisis in Our Hands and Curtailing the Charter Schools Program Is No Way to Fix It

Sharif El-Mekki is the founder and CEO of the Center for Black Educator Development. He is a former principal of…

2 years ago

Lakewood Municipal Gov’t Is Using COVID Emergency Funds To Reimburse Parents for Yeshiva Tuition. Is This Kosher?

Here's a creative use of federal emergency funds intended to address learning loss suffered by low-income students during pandemic-induced school…

3 years ago

JAMES: More Remote Learning But Still No Plan For Newark’s Children

While it is not a very happy time for many of us right now, I do want to begin with…

3 years ago

Education Law Center as ‘Brainless Cult’? New Jerseyans Weigh In on Feds’ Rejection of Murphy’s School Aid Allocations

Yesterday Education Law Center celebrated the news that the U.S. Education Department has ordered the Murphy Administration to increase state…

3 years ago

BREAKING: Feds Order Murphy Administration to Increase State Aid to Abbott Districts Or Jeopardize $2.8B

Education Law Center (ELC) just issued a press release celebrating a decision by the U.S. Education Department. In a letter…

3 years ago

NJ Kids Can’t Wait–So Here’s How to Address Student COVID Learning Needs

On Tuesday, October 19th, JerseyCAN, a nonprofit advocating for high-quality schools for all New Jersey students, launched a new webinar…

3 years ago

JerseyCAN Comes to the Rescue of Parents and Schools Because ‘New Jersey Kids Can’t Wait’

For the last eighteen months, New Jersey parents have watched and waited for the State Department of Education to clarify…

3 years ago

ANSWERED: How Can You Keep Your Kids on Track During COVID?

As children return to school after an unprecedented year of learning disruption, we face huge challenges in getting students back…

3 years ago

New Poll: 83 Percent of Low-Income New Jersey Parents Want High-Quality Tutoring Through Federal Stimulus Funds

As the New Jersey Department of Education recently announced grant amounts to school districts from the American Rescue Plan, Newark-based non-profit Project…

3 years ago