Health Care Benefits

LILLEY: NJ101.5 Gets It Wrong About Healthcare Premium Hikes for Teachers: Property Taxpayers Will Pick Up the Tab

Unfortunately, a recent news story by NJ101.5 got it all wrong about an increase in teacher healthcare premiums.  We have nothing against NJ101.5,…

2 years ago

Half of NJ School Districts Will See 15% Healthcare Premium Hikes—Which Will Be Paid For By Taxpayers and Kids

Yesterday New Jersey's School Employees’ Health Benefits Commission voted 5-1 to increase rates about 15% for the 2023 calendar year…

2 years ago

Senator Schepisi Urges Health Benefits Commission To Rescue School Districts Plagued With Runaway Healthcare Costs

In a letter to members of the New Jersey State Health Benefits Commission prior to their meeting to consider astronomical…

2 years ago

Elizabeth Teachers Union and School Board at an Impasse on Contract Negotiations

This is an update from the Elizabeth Public Schools District School Board and Superintendent Olga Hugelmeyer about a negotiations impasse…

2 years ago

Murphy and NJEA Promised Taxpayer Relief From Healthcare Premiums—But It’s Going To Cost Us Instead

To the surprise of the entire New Jersey State Legislature as well as school districts and school staff, the Murphy…

2 years ago

NJ School Boards Association: Murphy Administration Must Act on Insurance Hikes That Take Money From Classrooms

(This is a press release.) The New Jersey School Boards Association is expressing its concern about potential increases in 2023…

2 years ago

STATEAIDGUY: Sure, NJEA’s Powerful, But NJ Teachers Don’t See Much Benefit In Their Paychecks

Public sector unions want their members to believe that their union membership and the dues they pay are worth it…

2 years ago

Murphy’s 2020 Sop To Teacher Union Leaders Is Hurting School District Budgets and Taxpayers

When Gov. Phil Murphy signed  a new teacher health care law in 2020 called Chapter 44, leaders of the New…

2 years ago