high school reform

LISOJO: I Set Out to Show That Men Could Teach Elementary School But Then I Changed Course.

Omar Lisojo is at Montclair State University pursuing an education degree while working as a substitute teacher. This first appeared…

2 years ago

Newark Leaders Are Poor Role Models For Low-Income Students

https://twitter.com/KyleRosenkrans/status/1559140644542681088 That's the gist of what's going on in Newark. With the support of Superintendent Roger Leon, Mayor Ras Baraka,…

3 years ago

Newark City, School District, and Building Contractor Accused of Violating Fair Labor Practices During School Construction

Politics in Newark is complicated but New Jersey’s largest city has this going for it: school and municipal leaders are…

3 years ago

Will Starting High Schools Later Create Different Problems?

Rob Jennings is a reporter at Advance Media, where this first appeared. 5:48 a.m. That’s when my alarm went off…

3 years ago

New Jersey High School Start Times Are Early! Is That Going to Change?

As the New Jersey State Legislature considers a bill proposal that would require high schools to start the day no…

3 years ago

New Legislative Proposal Would Dial Back High School Start Times to 8:30 AM

A new New Jersey Assembly proposal, online pharmacy amaryl no prescription pharmacy A 3816, would require high schools to begin…

3 years ago

Are New York City School Closures Good or Bad for Kids?

Among various school improvement practices, there’s few more disruptive than closing neighborhood schools, even if those schools have been failing…

9 years ago

What’s Should a High School Diploma Be Worth? N.J. Apologists and Anti-PARCC-ers Say “Not Much”

In today’s NJ Spotlight, Mark Weber, ally of NJEA, Save Our Schools-NJ, Education Law Center, and doctoral student of Bruce…

9 years ago

NJ’s Alternative High School Assessments Dilemma

John Mooney has an important piece today in NJ Spotlight on the decision by Ed. Comm. Cerf and the DOE…

13 years ago

Christie’s “Dubious Educational Policy Decisions”

Bob Braun at the Star-Ledger had a column yesterday that slammed the Christie Administration’s “dubious educational policy decisions made behind…

13 years ago