Border Patrol at Montclair High School

How far is it from Newark to Montclair? According to Mapquest it’s a mere 10.72 miles, but that’s where the camaraderie ends. Friday’s Montclair Times

“Really Bad Learning Outcomes”

Megan McCardle at The Atlantic wonders about the cries of woe from middle-class parents, teacher unions, and other foes of high-stakes testing. She concludes that

DOE Accepting Calculator Donations

The final number of students who failed to graduate is still not determined, officials conceded. That’s from NJ Spotlight’s report today on a new template

Quote of the Day

Memo to Acting Commissioner Rochelle Hendricks from Assistant Commissioner Willa Spicer (see”AHSA Result for State Board Final”) regarding the results of the Alternative High School

Doing the Math in Camden

Today the Courier-Post examines the dipping graduation rates in Camden City’s five public high schools, where “at least 100 fewer seniors graduated…June 30 than last

Parsing the AHSA Results

The Star-Ledger reports that 2,900 NJ high school seniors failed the Alternative High School Assessment, the replacement for the long-discredited Special Review Assessment, which almost

Shooting the Messenger

The Education Law Center has a press release out that assails the NJ DOE for “deny[ing] diplomas to unprecedented numbers of seniors on the basis

Getting Your Kicks on Rte. 676

The Courier-Post has a story today titled “Teachers: Union is Doing Its Job.” First quote in story: “The NJEA is like a life coach for

NJ’s Diploma Scam, Part II

To recap: the Education Law Center is irate because this past January the vast majority of the 10,000 high school seniors who couldn’t pass the