Not Backpacks Full of Cash But Backpacks Full of Rights: NCSECS Takes On Special Education Equity in Charter Schools.

It’s a common complaint among those who look down their collective nose at public charter schools: they don’t serve their…

6 years ago

This Montclair Mom Moves to Brooklyn with Her Special Needs Son: Here’s What Happens

Nine-year-old Wesley Clark is a fourth-grader at PS 8 in Brooklyn Heights. He and his family were recently profiled in…

7 years ago

Is It Time to Show A Little Love For Poor Betsy DeVos?

It’s been a Conservative/Tea Party talking point for a while now: get rid of the U.S. Department of Education and.(cuing…

8 years ago

My Take on the Betsy DeVos Hearing: Paging Blanche DuBois

I’ve tried to be open-minded about Trump’s nominee for Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos. Many people I respect view her as…

8 years ago

UFT Attacks NYC Charters for Discriminating Against Kids with Disabilities, But He Misses the Real Story

Politico reports that UFT President Michael Mulgrew has resumed “UFT's decade-long war against the city's charter sector.”  The reference is…

9 years ago

NJ on the Short Bus

The New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities reports that a Federal District judge refused to dismiss a case filed by…

16 years ago