Kyle Rosenkranx

Q&A: Meet the Team Behind the Local Foundation Pushing for Educational Innovation

Three years ago Kyle Rosenkrans, a first-generation college graduate, civil rights lawyer, law professor, and public policy advocate, founded the…

3 years ago

COMMENTARY: Head of NJ Public Radio Wishes She Could Press ‘Unsend’ on Charter-Bashing Email

Last week Mike Lilley of Sunlight Policy Foundation of New Jersey reported on how the New Jersey Education Association had…

3 years ago

Newark Public Charter Schools Announce 2021-2022 Reopening ‘Compact’ To Guarantee Safety, High Expectations, and Transparency

As the new school year begins, Newark public charter schools just announced a collective COVID-19 safety pledge to parents, staff,…

3 years ago

Newark Students “Show The Rest of the State What is Possible”: A New Analysis Reveals Four Straight Years of Citywide Improvements for Children.

The bottom line is that a larger share of Newark kids are reading and doing math on grade level again…

5 years ago

“It’s Time To Step Away from the Zero-Sum Politics Around District and Charter Schools”: An Interview with Kyle Rosenkrans:

This week I interviewed Kyle Rosenkrans, the executive director of a newly-launched nonprofit called New Jersey Children’s Foundation (NJCF).  …

5 years ago