Lamont Repollet

FACT CHECK: Asbury Park Acting Superintendent Says ‘Hire Me Permanently Because Student Outcomes Are Great’

Asbury Park Acting Superintendent Rashawn Adams really wants to be Asbury Park's next permanent superintendent. How badly does he want…

4 years ago

Sources Confirm Murphy Placates Teachers Union by Placing Unqualified Teachers in Schools

Last week a brave staff member at the New Jersey Department of Education (DOE) allowed me to publish his commentary…

4 years ago

What’s Good Enough for Asbury Park Students Isn’t Good Enough for the Top Brass: Asbestos, Anyone?

What is the Asbury Park School Board thinking? It’s awfully hard to tell and its nine members are not a…

4 years ago

COMMENTARY: If Phil Murphy Wants a Second Term, Here’s the Course-Correction He Needs Most

If you’ve been following NJ Education Report’s coverage of the dissolution of Asbury Park Public Schools, first under the direction…

4 years ago

Asbury Park Superintendent Needs a Math Lesson

Friday morning Asbury Park staff and students arrived at school to find that Superintendent Sancha Gray was closing the district…

4 years ago

BREAKING: Asbury Park Schools Shut Down Unexpectedly Due to Teacher Protest; ‘Official Statement’ From Gray

(See "official update" from Superintendent Sancha Gray below.) This morning Asbury Park teachers and students arrived at district schools for…

4 years ago

Asbury Update: A ‘Whistleblower’ Gets Suspended and the School Board Plays Charades

Reginald Mirthil, the principal of Thurgood Marshall Upper Elementary School, has been suspended. On Tuesday he sent out a tweet…

4 years ago

Community Members Ask, ‘Why Doesn’t the State Department of Education Pay Attention to Asbury Park?’

Any close observer of Asbury Park School Board meetings witnesses the hold Gov. Phil Murphy’s pick for State Education Commissioner,…

4 years ago

ANALYSIS: Trail of Corruption Left by Murphy’s Former Education Commissioner in Asbury Park

You may be wondering why I've been paying so much attention to Asbury Park. It's this: In 2017 when Gov.…

4 years ago

Murphy’s ‘New’ Education Commissioner’s Fast Track to Confirmation Hits a Pothole

Last October Gov. Phil Murphy nominated Angelica Allen-McMillan as Education Commissioner to replace his former Commissioner, Lamont Repollet. Allen-McMillan’s hearing…

4 years ago