Latino Students

Lakewood Parents on In-School Instruction: “We’re Only Here As Props!”

Lakewood Public Schools has carefully orchestrated its plan to open schools for full-day in-person instruction on September 4th. Yet efforts…

5 years ago

Lakewood Update: HOW much Per Student?

Tonight the Lakewood Board of Education has a public meeting. Board agendas are typically unrevealing -- you get to see…

7 years ago

Five Take-Aways from Lakewood’s Most Recent School Board Meeting

As a public service, I just watched last week’s two and a half-hour meeting of the Lakewood School Board that,…

7 years ago

“You Broke Our Dreams.” Latina Mom “Talks the Truth” to Lakewood’s School Board and Lawyer

“You promised to help my community but that’s not the truth,” said Alejandra Morales of the advocacy group La Voz…

7 years ago

This May Be The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship: A District Embraces a Charter School

Just one year ago the Hoboken Public Schools District (HPSD) was locked in a years-long battle with one of the…

7 years ago

Latino Parent Voices Are Ignored in Red Bank as NJEA Muffles Expansion Plans

Leaders of the New Jersey Education Association often profess disdain for public charter schools. But how far will they go…

8 years ago