Learning Loss

Without Assessment Data, We Won't Get Our Kids Back on Track.

This post is by my brightbeam colleague Garris Landon Stroud, a teacher from Greenville, Kentucky who runs the Kentucky School Talk blog.…

4 years ago

JAMES: Where's My Refund? Newarkers Are Paying the Same Taxes, but Our Kids Are Receiving Less Learning

(This post first appeared in Newark Neighborhood View.)As you know from my previous blog posts, my daughter attends West Side…

4 years ago

COMMENTARY: Some Advice for NJ's New Ed Commissioner: If We Don't Measure, We Can't Fix It

For the last three years students, parents, teachers, and schools have been effectively abandoned by the New Jersey Department of…

4 years ago

Senate Democrats: New Bill Would Require Ed Dept. To Collect Data on Covid Learning Loss

Following the Department of Education’s announcement on statewide assessments and the issuing of the New Jersey Children’s Foundation report on…

4 years ago

We Don’t Just Need COVID Testing, Our Students Need Academic Testing Too

When I was seven months pregnant with my first baby I developed a condition called preeclampsia. It can be quite…

4 years ago

As NJ Student Learning Slides, NJEA Leaders Cancel Two Days of School for a Poorly-Attended Non-Convention.

Every year I voice my disgust at the unnecessary closure of schools two days in November for the New Jersey…

4 years ago

Q&A: Chris Cerf on Fighting COVID Learning Loss With Great Teaching

Last March schools across the country closed and typical live instruction morphed into erratic meetings on Zoom. Many of us…

4 years ago

New Report From School Boards Association: It’s Time for the State Education Department to Do Its Job.

Today the New Jersey School Boards Association released the third in a series of reports on how the coronavirus is…

4 years ago

NJ Children’s Foundation Announces New Initiative To Measure Impact of Digital Divide & Covid Slide On Children and Families.

The New Jersey Children’s Foundation, a Newark-based nonprofit dedicated to promoting a fact-based discussion about education, today announced a significant…

4 years ago

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Must Rise: Thoughts on Last Night’s Convention.

True confession: I didn't watch the Democratic virtual convention last night. Currently I'm maintaining my mental health by mainlining "The…

4 years ago