After the U.S. education system fractured into Zoom screens last spring, experts feared millions of children would fall behind. Hard evidence now shows they were
This is testimony from JerseyCAN Executive Director Patricia Morgan, given yesterday at the Senate Education Committee’s hearing on Bill S3214. The bill mandates that Commissioner
For the last three years students, parents, teachers, and schools have been effectively abandoned by the New Jersey Department of Education. The mismanagement by former
Michael Lilley, Sunlight Policy Center
October 20, 2020
Mark Weber, Ph.D. (a.k.a., Jersey Jazzman), has published an op-ed in NJSpotlight (based on a report he did for New Jersey Policy Perspective [NJPP]) that purports to
My grandmother of blessed memory, Lena Weinman, divided the universe into two parts, what was “good for the Jews” and what was “bad for the
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