Masks in Schools

New Poll: Newark Parents Support Mask/Vaccine Mandates but Share ‘Widespread Concern’ About in-Person Learning

Project Ready, the Newark-based social justice and advocacy group, just released a new poll as Newark students return to in-person…

3 years ago

BREAKING: Asbury Park District’s First Day Classified as a ‘Shitshow’

Asbury Park Public Schools District opened today for students---teachers started Tuesday--and sources tell me that much was awry under the…

3 years ago

Murphy Says Only ‘Dramatic Outbreak’ Will Get Him to Soften Stance on Remote Instruction

At Phil Murphy’s press briefing Wednesday (where questions focused on gubernatorial challenger Jack Ciatarelli’s claim that Murphy tolerated a “frat-boy”…

3 years ago

Murphy Doubles Down on No-Remote-Instruction and Masking Mandate

At Gov. Phil Murphy’s press briefing yesterday (where questions focused on gubernatorial challenger Jack Ciatarelli’s claim that Murphy tolerated a…

3 years ago

ANSWERED: Are Murphy’s Mask/Vaccine Mandates in Schools an Abuse of Power?

New Jersey resident Rachel Collins of Burlington County has filed a lawsuit against the New Jersey Department of Education Commissioner…

3 years ago

COMMENTARY: Murphy Dwells in Denial While Parents and School Leaders Plead for Remote Options

“Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt,” said Mark Twain, but that riverbed is where our mulish Governor has planted…

3 years ago

Toms River Parents on Mask Mandate: ‘Phil Murphy Is Not Our Baby Daddy’

First it was Wall Township. Then it was Holmdel. And now Toms River Board of Education, overseeing New Jersey’s seventh…

3 years ago

Pressure Building On Murphy to Walk Back Ban on Remote Instruction

New Jersey school district leaders and parents are expressing increasing frustration with the lack of concrete guidance from the state…

3 years ago

Parent Voices on Masks in Schools, Mandatory Vaccines, and Virtual Learning Options

New Jersey is abuzz (at least among parents of K-12 students) with reactions to Gov. Phil Murphy’s mandates that 1)…

3 years ago

Public Greets Murphy’s Mask Mandate With Protests and Praise

Today at a press briefing Gov. Phil Murphy hit back at those who are protesting his mask mandate for all…

3 years ago