merit pay


The New York Times reports today that the President of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, is willing to…

16 years ago

Growth Models, Shmowth Models

Jay Matthews of the Washington Post reports today on national opposition to using growth models to evaluate teacher performance, i.e.,…

16 years ago

Is It Time to Trade Up to a Better Model?

Here’s two “must-reads” for you. Andrew Rotherham, who runs the thinktank Education Sector and blogs on Eduwonk, has a piece…

16 years ago

Star-Ledger Advocates Merit Pay

The Star-Ledger gets behind merit pay for teachers in today's editorial, arguing that the typical union denunciation -- that a…

16 years ago

Change We Can Believe In

It’s mid-November, so it must be time for the NJEA Teacher Convention! A week after school board members partied in…

16 years ago